Pianos for Sale Marshall & Wendell Player Piano

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This model has the highly regarded "The Ampico" player system. It was probably made sometime between 1930 and 1945, and has been owned by only one family. (The Marshall & Wendell Piano Company was originally established in Albany, NY in 1836. Many of their pianos were equipped with the “AMPICO” reproducing player mechanism, allowing the piano to play by itself with expression and human interpretation.)

It has not been tuned since 2010, even after its move to the Bay Area in 2021, but everything works. It was refinished sometime around 1985.

If you're just looking for an inexpensive used piano, this isn't it--but if you're looking for a well-loved antique player piano, this is worth it.

It is located in Concord, California.
Price: $20,000 USD
Ad #: 58335
Manufacturer: Marshall & Wendell
Year: 1930 to 1945
Height: 53"
Finish: Semi-Gloss
Color/Wood: Other Color
City/State: Concord, California
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Posted: 09/27/2024
Views: 197

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